Tuesday, October 11, 2011

+1 month and there is movement!

It's hard to believe but I have been wearing my RPE for a little over a month now. I just read over my previous post and noticed that I complained about it a lot when I first got it. To be honest, about a week into wearing it, my mouth got used to it and I started to talk normal again. The only negative is that my tongue got really swore, especially after many contacts with the metal spacers around my molars. Of course, that gets better too.

So far, I am very happy with the little movement that has occurred. My bite feels different but definitely better. There is no gap in between my front teeth yet BUT I'm starting to see some separation there. What essentially is happening is that the RPE is pushing my molars forward for two reasons:

1) To get rid of my underbite by pushing the top molars over the bottom ones;
2) Provide space so that the braces can align and move the other six upper teeth forward.

I have a long way to go still or in the words of the dental assistant "keep turning girlfriend."

I'm back to the orthodontist in another month so I'll blog some more then or hopefully in between.

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